Sandra Lilienthal
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Communities and professional groups the world over have benefited from Dr. Sandra Lilienthal’s speaking engagements. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you would like to invite Dr. Lilienthal as a speaker or scholar-in-residence.
Dr. Lilienthal's past talks have included community-wide addresses before Pesach and Rosh Hashanah ever year and many one time presentations such as:
"What lessons have we learned to help build a better tomorrow?" the 2021 Pre-Rosh Hashana Broward County community-wide address, hosted by the Institute of Jewish Knowledge & Learning
"What is Jewish Time?" 2021 Presentation to Directors for PJ Library
"Art as Midrash: The Akedah" for the 2021 Limmud Winnipeg
"An Overview of the Book of Eicha" for the 2021 NewCAJE Annual Conference

“Sandra’s wisdom in Torah and Jewish thought in general is pure, is clear, is transparent and flowing like water from a fresh brook. Her deep spiritual teachings and moral guidances nurture our hearts and our minds and our souls... Nobody leaves her lectures and her teachings without feeling intellectually nourished and spiritually refreshed and humanly recharged.”
—Rabbi Akiva Mann
Institute of Jewish Knowledge and Learning
"Three Visions of Women and Judaism" for the Associacao Religiosa Israelita do Rio de Janeiro Talk Show, 2021
"Exploring Jewish Values Through Talmud Stories​" for NewCAJE's Lehrhaus, 2021
"Finding Inspiration When It Is Not So Obvious Or Easy," the 2020 Pre-Rosh Hashana Broward County community-wide address, hosted by the Institute of Jewish Knowledge & Learning
"Faith is a Marriage" lecture in honor of Rabbi Sacks' Yahrtzeit for Boca Raton's Bnai Torah Congregation, 2020

"Why Commemorate Tisha B'Av in the Liberal World?" for the 2020 NewCAJE Annual Conference
"Not One Empty Word" for the 2019 Global Day of Jewish Learning
"The Making of a Wandering People" for the 2018 Global Day of Jewish Learning
"Leadership as Understood by the Bible" for the Toronto Partnership Minyan, 2018
"Miracles Then and Now" for the 2018 Limmud Toronto
"Adult Jewish Education in the 21st Century" for the 2018 Limmud Toronto

"The Jews of Brazil" for Boca Raton's Temple Beth El, 2018
"Jewish Persepctives on Mental Illness" for Plantation's Congregation Ramat Shalom, 2018
"Modern Ethical Dilemmas" (Intensive Seminar) and intensive seminar for the 2018 NewCAJE Annual Conference
"Moses: The Leader of the Children of Israel" as Scholar-in-Residence at Congregation Shaarei Kodesh, Boca Raton, 2018
"Leaders of Today and the Lessons they Learned from Biblical Leaders" as Scholar-in-Residence at Congregation Shaarei Kodesh, Boca Raton, 2018
"Revelation as a Calling for Ongoing Leadership" as Scholar-in-Residence at Congregation Shaarei Kodesh, Boca Raton, 2018
"Revelation Then and Now: How the Understanding of What Happened at Sinai Informs the Different Jewish Denominations" as Scholar-in-Residence at Congregation Shaarei Kodesh, Boca Raton, 2018
"Do You Believe in Miracles?" for the 2018 NewCAJE Annual Conference
"Talmudic Stories Your Parents Never Told You" for the 2018 NewCAJE Annual Conference
"Beauty, Power and Temptation" for the 2017 Global Day of Jewish Learning