Sandra Lilienthal
Dr. Sandra Lilienthal is a sought-after speaker at conferences, synagogues, and other Jewish organizations and communal events, who is known for drawing adult audiences into the relevant wisdom and inspiring potential of Jewish texts.
Born and raised in Brazil, and currently residing in Florida, Dr. Lilienthal has taught diverse audiences all over the world. She is a faculty member of the Hebrew University's Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning, an adjunct professor at Gratz College, and a member of JNF's Speakers Bureau.
Dr. Lilienthal has served as the Education Director of Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz's Global Day of Jewish Learning, and she is on the boards of Limmud North America and NewCAJE. She was the 2015 recipient of the prestigious Covenant Award for Excellence in Jewish Education.
Dr. Lilienthal is the author of the Living Wisdom (Hebrew University/Melton School) and the Pillars of Judaism series of curricula for adults.
She is also the co-founder and co-director of Wisdom Without Walls: an Online Salon for Jewish Ideas.
Over her career, Dr. Lilienthal has worked in every capacity of Jewish education and with every age, from Religious School teacher, to B’ Mitzvah tutor, to Director of Education and Director of Lifelong Learning. Since 2005, she has focused on teaching adults.